The 3% Conference, Vitamin W and Miss Representation asked the creative community for help in
"Rebranding Feminism". The main task was to make Feminism positive, inclusive and relevant to everyone.
"Rebranding Feminism". The main task was to make Feminism positive, inclusive and relevant to everyone.
I realized that the issue with Feminism is that many people don't quite understand its definition, so instead of "Rebranding" it, I decided to simply define it in my own words.
I created a poster manifesto that simply redefines it in a way that everyone can understand and relate to. hopefully.
Here is my entry and also the competition winner.
Just ADD Feminism
Just ADD Feminism was the perfect campaign follow up to the poster.
It is all about removing the stereotypes associated with the word and embracing it as what it is:
Gender Equality. Which is essentially, equality for all. A human right.
Following the poster's success, we created (no longer live), a hub where anyone can use their voice by taking a pledge to add Feminism to the list of things they believe in.
The site launched through a panel discussion led by Deutsch CEO, Val DiFebo. Since then, hundreds of people from all over took the pledge and shared it on social media and showed that Feminism is indeed for everyone.
Check out the Add Feminism campaign.